
Monday, November 12, 2012

Socicolgy cheat sheet vocab words

Social class Weber target group of people who rank close Marx capitalists or workers sell labor Property material processions wealth total value of everything minus debts power elite C. Wright Mills’ top people in US Presidge respect Status consistency ranking high on some dimensions of social class Status position that one occupies Anomic Durkhim a condition of Society people become detached from the usual Contradictory class locations Erik Wright position in the class structure that generates contradictory interest underclass group of people for who poverty persists  intergeneration mobility change that family members make in social class from one generation to the next Upward social mobility movement up the social class ladder downward social mobility movement down the social class ladder structure mobility movement up or down the social ladder exchange mobility about the same # people moving up and down poverty line official measure of poverty feminization of poverty condition of US poverty in which most poor families are headed by women culture of poverty assumptions that the values & behaviors of the poor makes deferred gratification forgoing something in the present in the hope of achieving greater gain in the future horatio alger myth the belief that due to limitless possibilities anyone can get ahold if he or she tries hard enough gender stratification males & females unequal access to property power & prestige sex biological characteristics that distinguish females & males consisting of primary & secondary characteristics gender behaviors & attitudes that a society considers proper for its males & females patriarchy men-as-a-group domination women-as-a-group authority is vested in males feminism philosophy that men & women should be politically glass ceiling keeps woman from reaching the top at work sexual harassment abuse of one’s position of authority to force unwanted sexual demands on someone Race group who inherited physical characteristics distinguish it from other groups  Genocide systematic annihilation or attempted annihilation of a person because of their presumed race or ethnicity ethnicity (ethnic) distinctive cultural characteristics minority group people who are singled out for unequal treatment and who regard themselves as objection of collective discrimination Dominant group group with most power ethnic work activities designed to discover enhance maintain or transmit an ethnic or racial identity discrimination unfair treatment against individual or group Racism prejudice & discrimination on the basis of race prejudice attitude of prejudging usually negativity individual discrimination person-to-person face-to-face discrimination negative treatment institutional discrimination negative treatment of a minority group that is built into a society’s institutions (systemic discrimination) scapegoat individual or group unfair blamed for someone else’s trouble authoritarian personality Theodor Adorno’s   people who are prejudiced & rank high on scales of conformity intolerance insecurity respect for authority & submissiveness to superior’s split labor market workers split along racial ethnic gender age or any other lines reserve labor force the unemployment workers are thought of as being “in reserve” capitalists take them “out of reserve” (put them back to work) during times of high production & then put them “back in reserve” (lay them off) when they are no longer needed selective perception  seeing certain features of an object or situation but remaining blind to others compartmentalize separate acts from feelings or attitudes population transfer the forced transfer or a minority group ethnic cleaning policy of eliminating a population includes forcible expulsion & genocide internal colonialism police exploiting minority groups for economic gain segregation policy keeping racial & ethnic groups apart assimilation process of being absorbed into the mainstream culture multiculturalism policy that permits or encourages ethnic differences (pluralism) pluralism diffusion of power among many interest groups that prevent any single group from gaining control of the government wasp white Anglo Saxon protestant  white ethnics white immigrants to the united states who cultures differ from WASP culture rising expectations sense that better conditions are soon to follow unfilled increases frustration  pan-Indianism attempt to develop an identity that goes beyond the tribe by empathizing the common elements that run through Native Americans cultures 

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