
Monday, October 15, 2012

Frost, Robert. “My November Guest.”

“My November Guest”
1) How is “sorrow” personified? What sort of relationship does the speaker have with her?
Sorrow is personified as a woman. They have an easy relationship. The speaker doesn’t tell Sorrow who he truly feels about November. The speaker is following Sorrow.
2) What kind of tone do the poem’s images create?
The tone of the poem is dark and depressed.  It creates a sad picture of everything that takes places in November.
3) What do you think is this poem’s theme?
The theme of the poem is to look for the positive things that is going on around us.
Works Cited
Frost, Robert. “My November Guest.” The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature. Ed. Michael Meyer. 9th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s 2012. 874. Print.

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