
Monday, October 15, 2012

Reading Response: Crafting Your Image for Your 1,000 Friend on Facebook

1. Yes, my online identity is an “idealized version” of myself. On these social networking websites I chose how the outside world perceives me. I chose what I post on these websites. I post things on these websites that make me look beautiful and smart. Although, I am beautiful and smart I tend to forget about my flaws in real life outside of the computer screen.
2. We tend to think about what they post on social networking websites. People are becoming more conscious to what is right and wrong. We then will start to use these skills in everyday life. Hopefully, one day the will become their ideal person and achieve a self-fulfilling prophecy.
3. Using these social networking websites is kind of like we are putting on a performance to the outside world. I personally, monitor what I put on social networking websites like an actor. I don’t put horrible pictures of myself on websites. In reality, I am not always perfect looking. I also tend to remember my audience when posting thing on these websites. I have lot of family and my mother’s friends on these websites. I don’t want to post anything I wouldn’t care about my mother knowing.
4. Yes, I do think that profiles are this generation’s answer to voyeurism and exhibitionism. There are some social networking websites that let people post explicit things. Twitter is an example of a websites that doesn’t monitor the explicit nature of what is posted. A person can go to these websites, which is better than porn sites. Or a person may like to receive attention from posting such explicit things. These types of websites allow what both types of people are looking for.

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